Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Satan at the BYU Language Training Mission?

After a few weeks at Provo at the newly formed Language Training Mission, I was quite discouraged about the spiritual attitude of a lot of the Elders. I knew this was a pilot program being tested out by the Brethren and I was fearful of in not succeeding because of the weakness of some of the elders in the program.
I quote from my mission journal:
“This program is the work of the Lord, I know!, and I’m positive that it is going to better than double our baptisms in the Latin American countries.
I also know that Satan is trying to  banish this program. Sometimes I feel the spirit of the devil here more that the Holy Ghost.  The devil has fabulous powers. I have never heard so much gossip and unkind feelings as I have heard among the Elders in this program.  It is almost hard to believe but I’ll bet that the Spirit of the Lord doesn’t dwell with more that 8% of the Elders here……They don’t sustain the leaders (of the institute) or their own brethren either.  Somehow, someway, I have got to find a way to change this.
I have got to find someway of getting the elders on their knees and receiving the Holy Ghost; or this system isn’t going to be as good as it could be.”

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