Monday, August 15, 2016

Last Day at the Mission Home in Salt Lake City

February 25, 1962
Today was a very inspiring day. It was my last day in the mission home and I can truly say that this week has been the most marvelous week of my entire life.  President and Mrs Richards have been so wonderful to all of us.  During the week we have had many general authorities come and talk to us.  I know that they are men of God and I also know that we are young men called of God to preach His gospel.  I only hope that I can fulfill my calling to the best of my ability.

Mother, Dad, Paul, Joe and Joyce came in for the testimonial meeting.  There were about 60 missionaries out of 235 that had the opportunity to bear their testimonies.  The spirit of the meeting was far above my highest expectations.

I am spending my last night at home tonight.  It isn't going to be easy to sleep in my own bed in my own home for the last time in 2 1/2 years and see my family, friends and girlfriend knowing that I won't be around to see them grow and develop.

But yet, I have a thrill inside of me, knowing that I am about to step into an experience that will change my whole way of life. I am really anxious and excited.

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