Thursday, August 18, 2016

Last In The Class!!

It sounds like after a few weeks I felt I was dropping behind the rest of the Elders in learning the Spanish Language.  The bright spot is that It made me feel good to read this because of the faith I had that I had been called by the Lord to a place He wanted me serve.

Here is a excerpt from my mission journal:

I am surely having a difficult time with my Spanish.  I am just about ready to give up and change missions.  I guess I am just about the lowest one in the class.  I am getting further behind each week because it doesn't seem to be getting through too well.  But, I am going to keep trying and praying because I think the Lord knew what He was doing when He sent me to this mission.  I was so blessed that I got the most spiritual Elder, Steve Pugmire, as my companion.

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