Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Prophetic Feeling

This is a thought I received in the MTC in Salt Lake.

But yet, I have a thrill inside of me, realizing that I am about to step into an experience that will change my whole way of life.  I am really anxious and excited.

Side bar:
My mission did change my life.  I found out that I enjoyed teaching and upon returning home I made that a career. I taught Spanish and math in Jr High and High School.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Proud Of My Father

My missionary farewell

Supporting General Authorities

This Post will show the times I wrote about my testimony. I wasn't actually "bearing" by testimony but expressing feelings I was having about different subjects.

Supporting General Authorities

This is was written the beginning of my stay at the mission home in downtown Salt Lake. All missionaries went there for two weeks to receive training before being sent to their missions. The missionaries that were going to Mexico were sent to another room where we were told we would be going down to BYU to study Spanish for a while until our visas arrives. This was going to take 2-3 months.  Also, I apologize to any "farm boys" that might read this. Remember, I was only 19.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Confessing My Love

September -  February 1964 Guaymas 4 Months - Elder Nielson and Haller

Letter to Julie - October 1963

11 October 1963

Guaymas Mexico

Dear Julie,

I received your well waited for letter today so I thought I would sit down and write back.  Julie, you can't believe how much I look forward to receiving your letters.  When I don't get any from you, it even starts taking my mind off the work a little.   Julie, ever since I started writing you I have been getting an odd feeling to tell you frankly, Julie, I think  I am falling in love with you!  However, I'm not sure how you feel about me.  If you don't think you could ever love me, I wish you would tell me.  I don't want to fall any deeper in love only to get my  wings clipped again.  Julie, it is important to me that you tell me how you feel because lately I have been thinking  too much about you and mostly because I have been trying to figure out how you feel towards me.  What I am trying to say Julie, is I want you to be my girl friend.  If you don't want to get serious with me just tell me and I will be content to just keep us on the level of good friends.  

The work here is really starting to pick up. Yesterday, we tracked out two real good families.  They have a good chance of being baptized.

Well, I have to go now. I am reading the Book of Mormon through and I am a day behind.  I just thought I would drop you this short letter letting you know how I feel about you.

Be good, Julie, and study hard

Love, Rich

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Last In The Class!!

It sounds like after a few weeks I felt I was dropping behind the rest of the Elders in learning the Spanish Language.  The bright spot is that It made me feel good to read this because of the faith I had that I had been called by the Lord to a place He wanted me serve.

Here is a excerpt from my mission journal:

I am surely having a difficult time with my Spanish.  I am just about ready to give up and change missions.  I guess I am just about the lowest one in the class.  I am getting further behind each week because it doesn't seem to be getting through too well.  But, I am going to keep trying and praying because I think the Lord knew what He was doing when He sent me to this mission.  I was so blessed that I got the most spiritual Elder, Steve Pugmire, as my companion.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Satan at the BYU Language Training Mission?

After a few weeks at Provo at the newly formed Language Training Mission, I was quite discouraged about the spiritual attitude of a lot of the Elders. I knew this was a pilot program being tested out by the Brethren and I was fearful of in not succeeding because of the weakness of some of the elders in the program.
I quote from my mission journal:
“This program is the work of the Lord, I know!, and I’m positive that it is going to better than double our baptisms in the Latin American countries.
I also know that Satan is trying to  banish this program. Sometimes I feel the spirit of the devil here more that the Holy Ghost.  The devil has fabulous powers. I have never heard so much gossip and unkind feelings as I have heard among the Elders in this program.  It is almost hard to believe but I’ll bet that the Spirit of the Lord doesn’t dwell with more that 8% of the Elders here……They don’t sustain the leaders (of the institute) or their own brethren either.  Somehow, someway, I have got to find a way to change this.
I have got to find someway of getting the elders on their knees and receiving the Holy Ghost; or this system isn’t going to be as good as it could be.”

Monday, August 15, 2016

Language Training at BYU

After sleeping in my own bed after the Salt Lake Mission home, Mom, Dad, and Joyce drove me down to BYU to begin my studies at the Provo Language Training Center

We were housed in the Roberts Hotel and then walked up to the Alumni building for classes

Here is a picture of me and a companion visiting my brother Bob, who lived in the married couples housing.

Last Day at the Mission Home in Salt Lake City

February 25, 1962
Today was a very inspiring day. It was my last day in the mission home and I can truly say that this week has been the most marvelous week of my entire life.  President and Mrs Richards have been so wonderful to all of us.  During the week we have had many general authorities come and talk to us.  I know that they are men of God and I also know that we are young men called of God to preach His gospel.  I only hope that I can fulfill my calling to the best of my ability.

Mother, Dad, Paul, Joe and Joyce came in for the testimonial meeting.  There were about 60 missionaries out of 235 that had the opportunity to bear their testimonies.  The spirit of the meeting was far above my highest expectations.

I am spending my last night at home tonight.  It isn't going to be easy to sleep in my own bed in my own home for the last time in 2 1/2 years and see my family, friends and girlfriend knowing that I won't be around to see them grow and develop.

But yet, I have a thrill inside of me, knowing that I am about to step into an experience that will change my whole way of life. I am really anxious and excited.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Depression in the Mission Home

I entered the Mission Home on February 19th, 1962. The Mexican missionaries were informed that we would not be leaving for Mexico at the end of our week stay but heading to BYU to study Spanish. The Mexican government was making it difficult to obtain visas and some of the missionaries were having to wait several months to get into Mexico. The brethren decided to send them to BYU to study Spanish while they were waiting. This was the start of the Language Training Centers. I was there from February to May before my visa came through.

We were housed in the Roberts Hotel in downtown Provo and held our classes in the Alumni Center on campus. Ernest Wilkinson was our director.

On my first night in the mission home I remember being depressed and going to bed early to sleep it off, but I could never remember why. Then last night I was reading in my missionary journal and discovered the reason for my depression.

I quote from my journal:
"After today I am kind of disappointed with the Mexican missionaries I have met so far. They seem to be farm boys who are out to have fun instead of being a servant of the Lord. They are complaining about going to BYU because they want to get down to Mexico and have some fun.  They should be exercising their faith and trust in the general authorities.  I am praying that the Lord will bless either me or them with the knowledge needed to understand each other.  I am now just beginning to see and feel the greatness of the missionary work." 

After reading this I was excited that at such an early age I was trying my best to follow the brethren.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Setting apart as a missionary Feb 2, 1962

Taken from my Journal: February 2 1962
This is the day I was set apart and blessed by Spencer W Kimball.  The blessing was tremendous.  He blessed my family and loved ones with family prayer and I would feel the influence of their prayers.  He set me apart for my mission and blessed me as a leader and that I would learn the language quickly.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Cities I worked in and companions I worked with


June - October 1962 Ensenada 4 Months  Elder Babcock

October -   January 1963 Agua Prieta 3 Months - Elder Beltrán and Elder Villa

February -  June 1963 Tepic 4 Months - Elder Kirby

June - September 1963 Mazatlán 3 Months - Elder Whetten

September -  February 1964 Guaymas 4 Months - Elder Nielson and Haller

February -  April 1964 Culiacán 2 Months - Elder Russon and Pectol

April -  May 1964 Los Mochis 1 1/2 months  -  Elder Walser  (Last city before coming home)