Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Prophetic Feeling

This is a thought I received in the MTC in Salt Lake.

But yet, I have a thrill inside of me, realizing that I am about to step into an experience that will change my whole way of life.  I am really anxious and excited.

Side bar:
My mission did change my life.  I found out that I enjoyed teaching and upon returning home I made that a career. I taught Spanish and math in Jr High and High School.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Proud Of My Father

My missionary farewell

Supporting General Authorities

This Post will show the times I wrote about my testimony. I wasn't actually "bearing" by testimony but expressing feelings I was having about different subjects.

Supporting General Authorities

This is was written the beginning of my stay at the mission home in downtown Salt Lake. All missionaries went there for two weeks to receive training before being sent to their missions. The missionaries that were going to Mexico were sent to another room where we were told we would be going down to BYU to study Spanish for a while until our visas arrives. This was going to take 2-3 months.  Also, I apologize to any "farm boys" that might read this. Remember, I was only 19.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Confessing My Love

September -  February 1964 Guaymas 4 Months - Elder Nielson and Haller

Letter to Julie - October 1963

11 October 1963

Guaymas Mexico

Dear Julie,

I received your well waited for letter today so I thought I would sit down and write back.  Julie, you can't believe how much I look forward to receiving your letters.  When I don't get any from you, it even starts taking my mind off the work a little.   Julie, ever since I started writing you I have been getting an odd feeling to tell you frankly, Julie, I think  I am falling in love with you!  However, I'm not sure how you feel about me.  If you don't think you could ever love me, I wish you would tell me.  I don't want to fall any deeper in love only to get my  wings clipped again.  Julie, it is important to me that you tell me how you feel because lately I have been thinking  too much about you and mostly because I have been trying to figure out how you feel towards me.  What I am trying to say Julie, is I want you to be my girl friend.  If you don't want to get serious with me just tell me and I will be content to just keep us on the level of good friends.  

The work here is really starting to pick up. Yesterday, we tracked out two real good families.  They have a good chance of being baptized.

Well, I have to go now. I am reading the Book of Mormon through and I am a day behind.  I just thought I would drop you this short letter letting you know how I feel about you.

Be good, Julie, and study hard

Love, Rich